Brand positioning strategy with visual communication!

Brand Positioning Strategy

is the spice of life ... marketing!

And there are many flavorful ways to market what you're selling ...
But which strategies will work best for YOU?

​You want more  customers, patients, clients, followers, readers ... ?

How flavorful is your brand positioning strategy?
Needing an infusion of seasoning?

Marketing campaigns tasting bland and uninspired?

A custom marketing blend is essential
 to engage  YOUR NICHE

with your unique brand message. 

.... Because, without a strong brand positioning strategy, they'll never see you.
No niche, no prospects ... no business.



Successful Niche Marketing
is all about Brand Positioning Strategy

To build and sustain a successful brand, your primary goal
is to DIFFERENTIATE your business from others.
Differentiation begins with visual communications
that command attention. For example ...

Which message  is more compelling?

​This one?


Bold emphasis is fine - but which one will you remember?
Visual imagery adds more information to the mix. Images etch themselves on the brain, making the message conveyed more memorable. You'll remember those desolate footprints
in the sand long after you forget the question.

... Or this one?

Brand Positioning Strategy - Web Content Marketing Copy Writer Searching for You

Likewise, the more compelling your message, the stronger your brand,

and the greater your following!

If you’re a writer or an entrepreneur or a health professional with a dream to establish a business and just the start of plan to make it happen ... 

Before you even begin, before you write the first word of your book, or open the doors of your practice for business, you need to know who your customers are. You must begin to build your platform - the stage on which you will introduce them to your brand and begin the process of visual engagement. You want them jumping onto your bandwagon, eagerly waiting to see what you have to offer, and happily bringing others on board. But where are they? How will they find you?

The Role of SEO in Content Strategy

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process by which your website content is made more visible to the web crawlers that determine the rankings in SERPs (search engine results pages). Of course, your goal is to land on page one in organic searches but with constantly changing algorithms, it’s not easy.

If your site traffic is low, perhaps you’re not writing about strongly trending topics. Or maybe your posts are too short. Or you’re not posting quite often enough.

A neglected blog is a sure way to become nonexistent in search engine land.

A strong content strategy builds in tactics for focusing pages and posts on the specific and trending topics people are searching for. How strong is your site’s SEO? Are your site visitors engaged? Do you have a written strategic plan to build your online presence?

How to Build an Engaged Following

How do you build a more engaged following? In just two words:  Communicate Visually.

Photo Credit: © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Fisher Photostudio #20832577 - Brand Positioning Strategy
To use your service or buy your product, your prospects have to see you and hear you. In fact, the more of their senses you can stimulate, the more of their attention you will command.  The photo above links to a blog post you may enjoy on multi-sensory marketing. 

To engage and build a following, find out what your prospects want to know. What do they need? What pains are they trying to resolve? And the best way to answer those questions - is to ask them!

Hold a focus group, conduct a survey, perform a customer service audit. Compile the results of your findings. Then develop some ways to address their issues. Highlight their input so they can take pride in the results. They'll appreciate your affirmation and commitment to their needs. And that will build brand loyalty.

If you‘re one who recognizes the importance of visual communication in brand management, then I invite you to read on …

An AmazingTime to Be in Business

... because this is the most amazing time in the history of the world to be in business. So much media richness at your global fingertips! So many excellent marketing strategies available! But as you well know, visual media must be used with careful intention. Successful content management requires a customized strategic plan. Here's a little gift you may find helpful!

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A Gift for You ...

Brand Positioning Strategy - Differentiate Your Brand

From the new Masterful Writer Series Release - 7 of the 21 Keys - FREE DOWNLOAD!

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Enjoy a free download - 7 of the 21 Keys to Success covered in the newest release of my Masterful Writer Series book: Masterful Brand Positioning. The new book contains specific visual communications strategies you can use to build your brand and develop a loyal and engaged following. This download will give you a great sneak peak into the book!

Recently, a client said of my work:

"... Roz, thanks so much for hearing us
and taking our vision and
making it even better!"

And that’s really what I do best of all – I hear you.

The key to your satisfaction is that I listen carefully to capture your vision and discern your needs and then help to steer your project to a successful solution that’s customized for you.

If you outsource to contract or freelance writers/designers, I’d like to help you craft and deliver on your brand positioning strategy. Contact me and let's talk about your needs. I offer:

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Custom Branding, Writing, and Design Solutions

I see copywriting and design as a co-mingled process of psychological analysis and individually tailored  solutions. I step easily from the left-brain role of design counselor and strategist to help you analyze and map out your project needs and into the right brain role of developing visual ways to differentiate you from the status quo.

My goal is to help you build thought leader credibility and a strong, evergreen brand.


Here are just a few of the different projects we could do together:

Project Ideas

    • A set of sales sheets for your proprietary products.
    • A white paper to use as  list-build lead magnet.
    • A slide presentation on your new service option.
    • A researched, ghostwritten article series on your topic of choice.
    • A media kit for the public and press.
    • A WordPress website to form the communications hub for your new brand.
    • An editorial calendar and ghost-blogging.
    • Community event tickets and publicity flyers.

See? Variety!
Every project is new and exciting and you'll be pleased with the results!

See anything you need?  Other ideas to discuss?
Contact  me  or request a Creative Brief at:

Roz Swartz Williams



Roz Swartz Williams - Brand Positioning Strategy

Oh, one more thing ... here's the latest book in my series!

New Masterful Writer Series Release!

Masterful Brand Positioning: DIFFERENTIATE YOUR BRAND TO DOMINATE YOUR NICHE details 21 keys to entrepreneurial success using visual communication in brand positioning strategy.  Here's an excerpt from the book:

A brand with tenacity has energy and drive. It magnetizes people into following.

Imaginative brands may experience their share of ups and downs, successes and failures, near misses and viral marketing victories. But the key is that companies with a tenacious brand keep trying until they get it right. And once they get it right, they keep building on those successes.

A tenacious brand is no withering wallflower, content to hover tentatively on the sidelines and watch the others dance. A brand with tenacity is out there in the center of the dance floor, showing everyone else how to move. It doesn’t get tired or drag off the floor and crumble into an exhausted heap, but is determined to be the last dancer standing.

A tenacious brand keeps bringing it. With staying power. Day after day. Year after year.

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Roz Swartz Williams

About Lot:21 Design

Established in 2007, Lot:21 Design offers freelance and contract writing, graphic design, and WordPress website services. Contact Lot:21 at for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Visit Lot:21 online at

Copyright 2016 - Roz Swartz Williams | Lot:21 Design. All rights reserved.

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